Thursday, April 21, 2011

I am a stay-at-home mom who enjoys finding fresh kid activities. Maybe some will inspire you to do something with your own kids! I can't take credit for most of the activities!

Today in a Co-op Preschool activity time, the kids made Easter Lillies.
What you'll need:


White paper (Cardstock works well)
Green and Yellow Pipe cleaners

Have your child trace his/her hand.
Cut out hand and roll it, fingers-side up, so it comes together at a point at the bottom.
Tape roll so it won't unravel.
Cut yellow pipe cleaner about 3 inches long. Bend to make a U shape and then curl tops a bit.
Attach long green pipe cleaner by wrapping it around the center yellow U shape.
Stick green pipe cleaner down through hole of "flower" and pull until the U shape is in the center.
Curl fingers or flower petals outward to open flower.